Mohseena Parveen

Mohseena is vivacious, happy and free-spirited person. With background in creative field, she has had a successful career as an architect and a media professional.

A certified Laughter Yoga teacher from Dr. Kataria’s Laughter Yoga University, 

She holds certification in Positive psychology .

She has studied and trained with the world’s most heavily-researched secular mindfulness programme, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), under UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness, qualified Mindful meditation trainer. She is also certified Children mindfulness teacher and Trained to teach Mindfulness in Schools project(MiSP) .

Seeking holistic wellness and spreading it with the world, her program is designed with a healthy mix of Laughter Yoga, Mindfulness Meditation using the MBSR; Mindfulness based stress reduction programme and Gentle Yoga movements.  This calming programme incorporates breathing exercises, secular meditation and gentle and soothing yoga poses to encourage relaxation, to bring mind, body and heart in harmony and unison.   

Mohseena’s positivity is infectious, and her loving teaching methods makes participants find their inner most joy.

Her participants feel happy and peaceful after the sessions and feel ready to share that joy with the world.

Her message to all: “Laugh, live and love your existence. Life is indeed beautiful!”